Thursday, January 30, 2014
Winter Weather Got Your Kids Out of School? 6 Activities to Keep Them Busy!
If you're like most of the U.S. right now, you're still trying to thaw yourself out from the blistering winter weather sweeping across the east coast. This probably mean that your adorable, loving, energetic kids are home due to school cancellation. My kids have been out of school for just about the entire month because of extreme cold weather along with other issues at the school. I've had to get pretty creative around here to keep my four and five year old boys entertained. To be honest, because they are so close in age they keep each other entertained! Lucky mommy.:) For some of you who are at their wits' end here are some suggestions that could help. Yes, these are all education based!
1. NOTECARDS!!! I am a notecard fanatic! You can do so much with them. Right now, I'm working on number recognition with the boys. 1-100. At first I thought it would be too much for them but they knew more than I thought.
You can put anything on note cards. Words, numbers. multiplication facts, adding, subtracting. Seems so simple but I promise it can be so helpful. Have your child take the cards and practice on their own and then you can test them. If you have young kids like I do, just go through the cards and have them repeat what you say. You can even scramble them around on the floor and call out a number or word and have them find it (my boys like that the best).
2. STARFALL.COM is a FREE website for preschoolers through 2nd graders... and did I mention that it's FREE!!!
We all know that our children are technology driven, so this is a good way to keep them busy while learning.
3. RESEARCH. All kids are interested in something and go through phases of obsessing about that one thing. Allow them to do some research on something that interest them. My boys attend a STEM school and I popped in one day and Orlando was dong research on cucumbers! The boy was all in it! I love that he gets to research things that are of interest to him.
We have this animal encyclopedia and we choose animals from the book and do research on them. The boys love it!
4. PUT ON A PLAY. I know this sounds so cheesy and time consuming, but depending on the age of your child this could be a lot of fun! This is what you could do, first read one of your child's favorite books, next create a space (stage) and let them act out the story. They will probably put their own twist to it (that's the funny part). If you have any old unused socks, you can even make sock puppets using old buttons and markers. Have fun with it!
These paper plate mask were a lot of fun. Use paper plates, makers, glitter pens (if you have them), glue and popsicle sticks! We got the Mardi Gras mask from the dollar store.
5. CREATIVE WRITING. This is for older aged kids. Pick a topic and let your child write about it. Make sure the topic is fun and allow their creative juices to flow.
6. BAKING. Everybody loves delicious baked goodies! This is a perfect time to teach your child one of your favorite recipes. Whether it's simple chocolate chip cookies (my favorite), or a banana bread, this is a great time for bonding with your child along with creating a delicious snack!
activities for kids,
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
The Coldest Winter Ever
School was out, yet again today. I'm not sure what is going on with our weather but it sure does feel like the coldest winter ever! I think the boys have been to school 5 days the whole month of January because the temperatures have been below zero. So what does this all mean? It means that we have been totally thrown off of our schedule, my grocery bill increased this month ( extra snacks and lunches), my house is a wreck because it's too cold to play outside so superheroes have invaded our home (Orlando and Tyson) all while Thomas is on the road recruiting! Although the crazed clean freak in me wants to scream, I have managed to let go of trying to keep everything nice and neat. I have a real issue with keeping things clean...I literally lose it (mentally) when things are a mess. This cold winter has taught me that it's okay when things are out of place. Sometimes that's when you have the most fun! I've been laughing at my boys nonstop because their imaginations are out of this world! Even though spring can't get here fast enough, I've found joy in all this chaos. I'm just so grateful we have heat!
Being stranded also called for Giovanni's ... the best pizza in town!
Our light post still shining...oh I just love cute:) KEEP WARM! |
His word never fails
When I was doing my devotion this morning I was flipping through my journal and found this writing. I'm not sure where I got it from or who said it but I wrote it down March 26, 2012 and it prompted me to write this devotion today. The writing read:
Keep in mind that in the heat of our struggles, the Holy Spirit is probably doing his greatest work within us. He is not moved by the circumstances.So many times we get sidetracked by how slowly things seem to be going. In fact, the enemy loves to point that out! God will help us if we remain steadfast. Galatians 6:9 says, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up."
I remember when my husband was done playing football, not necessarily by choice but due to so many injuries, he had to transition from playing to a different career. By this time we had kids and a household to think about. This time was extremely difficult for the both of us. Not because we didn't financially prepare, because I was saving money left and right, but when you work so hard on one thing and want so badly for that one thing to work out it could come as a hard blow emotionally when it falls to pieces. You feel lost and confused and begin to wonder, "Where is God in all of this?" You find yourself angry and disappointed, maybe even mad at God. But God has a path that he has already mapped out for us. It may not be the path that we anticipated and he may have to reroute us along the way when we decide to disobey him and go our own route. When we realize and grasp hold of the truth that God made us for himself and for his purpose then we can really understand that, "for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord" (Isaiah 55:8-9)
I can even remember so many times through the course of my young life that God was doing his greatest work in me when I was experiencing the greatest pain. From losing friendships to really dealing with childhood issues, I was able to grow my faith through my struggles.
We have to be in constant fellowship with the Lord and allow him to direct us. Yes, times will get hard, you will feel lost and afraid. You might even feel like God doesn't hear you because everything that you hoped for is not happening but during this time ask yourself, Am I in alignment with God or am I on my own agenda? Whose agenda are you on? We are all searching for something, whether it's financial stability, happiness, love, etc. Regardless of what it is, you must begin with God when you begin a search, PERIOD. As I look back over those years of feeling lost and starting over I can't help but thank God for keeping me. Indeed, God was doing his greatest work in my husband and in myself during our struggles. The work is continuous but it all started with the disappointment, followed by the searching. God will definitely help you if you remain steadfast and continue to search for him in every situation. The enemy wants you to think that God doesn't hear you and that things will never get better, but it will. Just trust and be obedient to his word. His word never fails.
Father, I thank you for your never-ending grace. During my difficult times I am reminded that my ways are not your ways and that your plan for my life is far greater than my own plans. Help me to remain steadfast in your word and not lean unto my own understanding. I know that you are doing a great work in me as I remain obedient to your word. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Jessica B.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Homes We Love
Hi guys!
This is a series called "Homes We Love" where I will put together a collection of homes that have the "wow" factor - big or small. Starting with Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady's beautiful home. I'm so excited about this series, hope you enjoy!
I can't help but think that I'm suppose to live here. Love the open airy feel and all the natural light.
Click Here to read the feature article in AD of Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady's humble abode.
Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady's Los Angeles Home |
Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady's Los Angeles Home |
Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady's Los Angeles Home |
Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady's Los Angeles Home |
Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady's Los Angeles Home |
Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady's Los Angeles Home |
Monday, January 27, 2014
Simply Breathtaking
On our way home from their basketball game (yep, I'm from Georgia and I'm driving in the snow...we don't do that down there) we stopped and took a few photos of the park that we often visit during the summer and the snow has completely taken over.
I couldn't help but think how amazing God is. Sure it's cold and the snow can be such a headache, but when you step back and take a look at the scenery, it's simply breathtaking! Our creator never ceases to amaze me.:)
Hope you guys are staying warm!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
6 Super Bowl Worthy Recipes
It's about that time! Super Bowl XLVIII is a week away. Although I'm excited about the game, I'm more excited about the food! This is one of the few Sundays when appetizers are endless and you can eat a whole meal without a vegetable insight (minus the celery that accompanies the wing platter) and not feel bad about it. Naturally, I headed over to Pinterest and found my favorite recipes that are Super Bowl worthy. These are recipes that I've personally made or come highly recommended by a friend.
BLT Meatball Sliders
These sliders are so yummy! My husband and I love them. I made them at the start of football season. Simply delicious!
Five Bean Vegetarian Chili
For all you vegetarians, this chili is the bomb! I added some shredded cheese and a dollop of sour cream and was good to go. If you're looking for some comfort food next Sunday, you've found your dish.
Slow cooker Sticky Wings
My good friend recommended these wings. She made them for her family and said they are irresistibly delicious.The best part is you can use your slow cooker!

Chicken Wing Dip
What's the Super Bowl without a dip? I could literally eat the whole bowl of chicken wing dip by myself. It's just that good! I use tortilla chips with it (my go to dip chip). They just go with everything.

I added two dessert recipes, which I haven't tried yet BUT they look delish and easy for your family or guest to grab and enjoy.
Caramel Apple Bites
No-Bake Salty Peanut Butter Pretzel Bars
Happy Super Bowl. Let's Eat!!!
chicken wing dip,
meatball slider,
slow cooker wings,
vegetarian chili
Friday, January 24, 2014
Valentine's Day Ideas
Valentine's Day is fast approaching and the boys are noticing all the candy and teddy bears on display in the stores. My husband is a big believer in celebrating love year round. Does he actually do that you ask? Not exactly. Life seems to get in the way but I really appreciate the thought. Lol.
This year, being away from family and not having babysitters on speed dial, I plan on celebrating Valentine's Day with all my boys at home.
Here are some cute ideas for all you moms who can't get out and want to create a nice Valentine's Day for the family.
Heart Shaped Pancake Breakfast
Image courtesy of pinterest |
10 things I love about you printable
Here's something simple and sweet for your spouse or significant other. Remember it's the little things that count! You can also get the kids to do this for each other. It's super cute if you keep it a secret!
Heart shaped pizza
Pizza for four please!!!
Don't forget to add a glass of wine (for the adult of course). You can also dress up the table with red confetti and heart shaped cutouts.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
How I deal with change and moving
People always ask me, "How do you deal with moving so much?" The truth is, I like change. I hate packing but I like change. Yes, I would love to stay put and "put down some roots " so to speak ,but there is plenty of time for that. I read a quote by Alan Watts that said, "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." This quote speaks to my life on so many levels. I choose to plunge right into life and I will dance this dance until the tune changes. My initial response to change may not be pure joy and bliss, but eventually I find the good in the situation. Moving 300 miles away from my family and friends was a drastic change for me, especially because this move came out of nowhere (but I guess they all have). Finding a home here was also a challenge. Coming from a big booming city, finding real estate has never been a problem. The homes here are a lot older and a decent rental is hard to find in the city. We were blessed to have found a nice home near the park and work. It's funny because I've come to appreciate the charm in this 1950's home. I love the little things such as our red front door, our cute white mailbox (I love that the mailman comes to the door), my chair by the window (for those quiet moments) and our eventful walks to the park.You never know what God is leading you to but learning to appreciate wherever you are in life can push you to strive for better or teach you to appreciate the simplicities of life; and I've been in both situations. Embrace the change and flow with it. Life is an adventure but you will miss it if you are always focused on things left behind instead of on the present moment and what's to be gained ahead. Every move has taught me something about myself, my marriage, friendships and my faith in God. If I wasn't open to the change, I would be blind to the opportunities that God has placed in my path. Spending more time with my boys for one. Being a stay-at- home mom was never my intention but having extra time with them has been a joy. My point is, change is inevitable. You can choose to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance or you can waste your time complaining and standing still. I say dance! :) Jessica B.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Is it spring yet?!
Spring can't get here soon enough! I swear it's been snowing every week. Between the water issues in West Virginia and the weather, it seems like Winter Break is ongoing. I try not to complain too much about the snow because snow is rare in Georgia. So I'm taking this experience all in!!! The boys were kind enough to cooperate while I took a few photos for our scrapbook (yes, I'm thinking about taking up scrapbooking). :)
winter break
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Site words and laughter!!
Over the summer I created this word board using Velcro and felt. It's slowly falling apart but it still gets the job done. I found a list of the most common Kindergarten site words and have been using them with the boys. I also threw a few bible verses in the mix. Surprisingly they love it! Mainly because we've made a game out of it. The "let's see who gets the most words right" really brings out the competitiveness in them. Who knew site words and laughing could go hand-in-hand?!
I decided to start them on site words because we had too much time on our hands during the summer and I also found myself getting lazy with them and not reading to them as often as I would have liked. I always worry about them viewing reading as a chore or punishment so I make a point to make reading fun around our house. It also gives me quality time with them.There are endless reasons why we should read to our kids in these early years - developing speech, teaching them that you read from left to right, listening skills, word exposure, etc.. At this point, I want the boys to hone in on listening skill, communication skills, and expose them to different ideas and words during our reading time. It's also funny how they like to reenact the stories that we read. Especially if I read the story with lots of enthusiasm. It's quite entertaining to hear them put their own twist on it.
Do you think a word board would be helpful to you child?
If so, they're so easy to make. I purchased a self-adhesive foam board from Michael's for under $10. The felt also came from Michael's and it was under $5. I cut the felt to fit the board and stuck it right to it. The adhesive has done a decent job of keeping it together. Get some notecards, a sharpie, velcro tape and voila, you've got yourself a word board! If you want to make your board sturdier, you can staple your velcro to a big piece of cardboard and that should last longer!
site words,
word games
Veggie Lasagna [ great for kids]
All vegetables and seasoning |
sauté vegetables and seasoning in olive oil |
add tomato sauce and water |
layered and ready for the oven |
This lasagna is one of my favorite recipes out of the boy's school recipe book. It's such a hefty meal and enough for leftovers! I usually don't use oregano since my husband isn't a big fan of the herb. It tends to take over any dish you use it in. Also, if you prefer a more saucy lasagna, I suggest adding more tomato sauce. Definitely 9 ounces opposed to the 2 ounces. I used 15 ounces! Enjoy.
1 box whole wheat lasagna noodles 3/4 cup water
10 oz. ricotta cheese 1 medium tomato, chopped
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 2-3 cloves garlic minced
1 cup of chopped spinach (frozen or fresh) 3 tbsp. olive oil
1 medium zucchini, chopped 3 tbsp. oregano
1 small eggplant, chopped 2 tbsp. basil
1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped 1 tsp. salt
1 medium onion, chopped 1 tsp. black pepper
2-9 oz. tomato sauce
1. Sauté all vegetables and seasoning in olive oil until tender (the smaller the vegetables are chopped the better the children eat them all).
Add tomato sauce and water to sautéed mixture. Let simmer for 10 minutes.
2.Preheat oven to 350
3. In a 13x9 pan add a thin layer of tomato sauce mixture to prevent sticking. Then cover the bottom with a layer of uncooked lasagna noodles. Spread thin layer of ricotta cheese onto the layers, and then completely cover with tomato mixture. Repeat the three layers (noodles, and then cheese, and tomato sauce) until the pan is full or you use all the ingredients. The last layer should be the tomato sauce and be sure to completely cover the noodles to prevent dry noodles.
4. Before baking cover with mozzarella cheese and aluminum foil.
5. Bake at 350 for 50 minutes, then remove the aluminum foil and bake for 10- 15 minutes or until the top layer has browned.
6. Allow to cool slightly before serving.
veggie lasagna
Monday, January 20, 2014
Snacks, snacks, and more snacks!!! [Weekend Recap]
Weekend snacks are draining the life out of me. I know I'm being a bit extreme but how many snacks does a kid really need in a day? I mean seriously.
This is how the day seems to go:
Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Snack. Snack. Dinner.
Enough already, geez! Maybe I should push dinner up earlier and breakfast a little later. Or maybe I should just toughen up and set some strict rules about snacks! Like one a day!! Anywho...
The pressure has been on for me to wean the boys off of processed snacks and so far so good but the go to snack has been fruit. They love strawberries and blueberries. Orlando likes to eat both but of course Ty (my picky eater) doesn't like blueberries at all. I love the fact that they love fruit but buying it can get expensive, especially if you are buying organic. I don't buy all organic food but fruit is definitely something I try to buy organic 99.9 percent of the time (those pesticides are something serious). My search for healthy affordable snacks has kicked into high gear and I can't wait to share my new snack recipe finds with you guys.
Oh, how could I forget, the AFC Championship game was on yesterday. My child has been bugging me about this game all week. He was front and center cheering on the Denver Broncos with his Falcon helmet in tow, and of course a bowl of blueberries! Ty was somewhere with his UGA helmet on calling plays waiting for his beloved Seahawks to play for the NFC Championship. Gotta love these kids!!!
The boys also had a basketball game on Saturday and #4 was back in action. He did great on defense and I have no injuries to report. I think it was the new basketball shoes!:)
organic fruit,
weekend recap
Daily Facial Cleansing Regimen
Fresh morning face...I'm getting lines under my eyes...yikes!!
30 is right around the corner and I've been really bad about having a regular facial cleansing regimen. I don't know what it is about hitting these age milestones that pushes you to get your stuff together. I've never had trouble with my skin but I can see the bags trying to settle in under my eyes and dark spot attempting to invade my cheeks. Therefore, I have to get serious about being regular about my skin care (another thing to add to my never-ending to-do list). For those of you who never have to worry about skin care, kudos to you. I use to be in your group but things change! Moving right along....:)
I am a Neutrogena girl, and have been for a while. I've tried all kinds of facial cleansers but I really love Neutrogena Deep Cleanse ($5.99 and it last for at least 2 months).Not only does it give my face that clean fresh feeling that I'm looking for but it's affordable! I have Normal skin, so I'm not sure if I would recommend it for dry skin types because a moisturizer is definitely needed after using this cleanser (after any cleanser for that matter).
Since my eyes are changing a bit (referring to the bags under my eyes) I use Neutrogena eye cream ($11.99 it was a splurge for me). I've been using this eye cream for about 2 months. I'm not sure if its mental but I can really tell a difference. I apply this eye cream in the morning and before bed. I apply it before the moisturizer because I want to make sure my skin gets the full effect of the eye cream without any distractions! Lol
Lastly, for moisturizers I use The Neutrogena oil-free moisture ($9.99). I always make sure my moisturizer has SPF in it to avoid sun damage to my skin. This one is also good for normal skin. I really recommend using this right after washing your face (if not using eye cream) to give it some time on your skin before applying anything else. It really gives your skin a shine (b/c of the sunscreen) but the shine wears off pretty quick. I love using this in the winter months because my skin gets drier than usual. And that's it! That's my daily facial cleansing regimen. :)
As I continue with these skin care post, I will eventually post videos on how I actually cleanse my face and other techniques that I use. There are so many products out on the market but they can be so expensive! Right now, Neutrogena has been the most affordable product that's good on my skin so it will continue to be my go to facial brand. There are also different products and techniques to use when cleaning your face after a day or night of wearing make-up. Stay tuned for those post plus my secret weapon for maintaining healthy glowing skin!
Important Note: We all know that one of the most important ways to have healthy skin is WATER and plenty of it. I always know when I'm not getting enough water because it shows up on my face in the form of pimples and dry patches. So drink your water.
Happy Cleansing!
My Neutrogena Products |
After my regimen |
dark spots,
Neutrogena deep cleanse,
Neutrogena eye cream,
Neutrogena oil-free moisture,
skin care,
skin cleanse
Friday, January 17, 2014
Crockpot Chicken Noodle Soup
With Thomas sniffling and the boys not wanting to eat their vegetables, I thought Chicken Noodle Soup would take care of both of those issues. We all know that vegetable or chicken broth can help clear congestion, so putting this on my menu was a no brainer. Although I cook vegetables daily and have been since the boys were tiny, I still have a difficult time getting them to eat their daily serving. I'm glad to report that not only did they eat the soup, Orlando asked for seconds!! Tyson was good with one bowl, which is a victory all in itself! To make it even better, this is a crockpot recipe so you get to throw all the ingredients in and let the crockpot work its magic! I love, love, love my crockpot!!
I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did!
1/2 bag whole wheat egg noodles
1 medium onion diced
1 cup of carrots, diced
1 cup of peas
1 cup low sodium chicken or vegetable broth
2 13oz. can of 98% fat-free chicken breast
1 tbsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp.oregano
1tbsp. olive oil
1. Add all ingredients except the noodles to the crockpots, cook medium for 6 hours or high for 3 hours.
2. Add the noodles 30 minutes before serving. If you add the noodles too soon they will cook down to form a thicker sauce.
chicken noodle soup,
cozy recipe,
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Inspiration Boards
Like many people, I'm a visual person. At least once a year since I was a teenager I would add different goals to something I called my "dream book". Looking back, it's amazing how many of those things have come to past and I'm still expecting others. Last year was the first year I switched it up and began creating vision boards. This year I decided to do an inspiration board. My inspiration board, unlike my vision board, consist of words, phrases, and quotes. These words, quotes, and phrases inspire thoughts that lead to writing ideas or the inspired action for the day. I absolutely love having this board in my office. Whenever I'm at my desk feeling tired or unmotivated, it's a great reminder of the direction I want my day and life to go. I am constantly adding words and phrases to it, and I will continue to do so until there is no room.:) The other board is my to do list, my list of ideas, and a copy of the menu for the week. I have yet to get completely organized but this is definitely a start! As I get organized I will be sure to share tips and ideas with you guys.
How do you get organized?
dream book,
inspiration boards,
Monday, January 13, 2014
Spinach dip
Easy snack idea. I served mine warm and with Stacy's Pita Chips. Everyone loved it except for Ty. He's still addicted to cheez its. Trying to break him off of processed snacks.Its harder than I thought!
4 cups fresh spinach
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup finely shredded mozzarella cheese
1 tbsp. garlic powder
salt & pepper to taste
Wash and shred spinach, mix all ingredients together. Serve cold or warmed with fresh veggies, pretzels or crackers.
healthy spinach dip,
pita chips,
spinach dip
Weekend Recap
So the day finally came! The boys had their first basketball game.
How did it go? Well, I'm glad you asked. Orlando thought he was running track and Tyson already tried to quit. Now in Tyson's defense, the other team thought we were playing football and Tyson just couldn't understand why they were attempting to tackle him. I completely understood his logic. As a result, he hit his head on the court and had an attitude the rest of the game. He said that he didn't want to play anymore but Thomas and I thought this was a good time to talk to him about quitting. Hence, he will be out on the court next weekend and finish out the season.
Orlando on the other hand was constantly beating everybody down the court. He put a brand new meaning to the word hustle.What can I say, the boy can run! I mean, check out his form below. Lol
Anywho, after such a stressful game ( my nerves were shot from watching all the tackling on the court) the plan was to grab some sushi but the almighty NFL PLAYOFFS were on and the Japanese Steakhouse didn't have TV's. I was a bit disappointed about not having my sushi rolls but a cosmopolitan made up for that. Plus, Thomas is about to head back to work and recruiting is about to gear up again so mommy needed a cocktail to mentally prepare herself for double duty. All in all, family time is always great even if it means watching preschoolers in oversized shirts fall all over each other for a basketball. I enjoyed every minute.
How was your weekend?
How did it go? Well, I'm glad you asked. Orlando thought he was running track and Tyson already tried to quit. Now in Tyson's defense, the other team thought we were playing football and Tyson just couldn't understand why they were attempting to tackle him. I completely understood his logic. As a result, he hit his head on the court and had an attitude the rest of the game. He said that he didn't want to play anymore but Thomas and I thought this was a good time to talk to him about quitting. Hence, he will be out on the court next weekend and finish out the season.
Orlando on the other hand was constantly beating everybody down the court. He put a brand new meaning to the word hustle.What can I say, the boy can run! I mean, check out his form below. Lol
Anywho, after such a stressful game ( my nerves were shot from watching all the tackling on the court) the plan was to grab some sushi but the almighty NFL PLAYOFFS were on and the Japanese Steakhouse didn't have TV's. I was a bit disappointed about not having my sushi rolls but a cosmopolitan made up for that. Plus, Thomas is about to head back to work and recruiting is about to gear up again so mommy needed a cocktail to mentally prepare herself for double duty. All in all, family time is always great even if it means watching preschoolers in oversized shirts fall all over each other for a basketball. I enjoyed every minute.
How was your weekend?
Tyson expressing his concerns to daddy |
The boy is focused, lol |
Orlando sprinting down the court |
Playing defense |
![]() |
Cosmo 'hello lover" :) |
![]() |
Glued in to the TV. Ty was asking endless questions...ha! |
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