Friday, February 7, 2014

Try this 5 day cleanse!

I know when you think of a cleanse "starvation" or "lack of food" probably pops into your mind. Well, this cleanse is not like that.  Dr. Junger's 5 day gut flush cleanse is designed for those of you who struggle with bloated mid-sections. For me, if I'm not drinking enough water or have been consuming too much sugar my mid-section can get out of hand.
I'm on day five of this cleanse and I must say, it's been one of the best cleanses I've tried (and I've tried all kinds of cleanses) and of course Dr. Oz approved!:) The recipes were tasty and different from what's usually on my weekly menu. If I had to choose a favorite recipe it would have to be the Thai Chicken Salad and the Vanilla Almond Shake on day three. I plan on incorporating those two recipes in my weekly diet. Overall, the cleanse did exactly what it claimed it would do, reduce mid-section bloat. Click here to get the entire cleanse

What cleanse have you tried that have been successful?

My Almond Vanilla Shake

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