Friday, January 10, 2014

Parents can use the internet to their advantage

Lets face it, the internet is an endless highway of information. Some of us use it to past time, other as a connection to the outside world. One thing is for sure, our children can navigate it like nobody's business! In our household we struggle to put limits on the time the boys use the internet as well as other electronic devices. I must say, I have struggled in this area because when I am up to my neck in laundry and other house chores, these devices are definitely a go to option. I have found that the internet isn't so bad when you put limits on it and monitor the activities accordingly.

Tyson is home with me two days out of the week while Orlando heads to school fours days out of the week. On those days that I have Tyson we find online stories and activities to do. My mother-in-law found an affordable site ( ;  $1.99/month or $24 a year) where the kids have individual lessons for their age group as well as activities. This website is great and both boys love it. Not only is it good for learning, it's also a great distraction when I need to sit and write an email or pay bills (be sure to use all parental control locks on all devices). Lastly, I love this because the kids are not just staring at a game system. They actually have to use some brain cells to use this program. So far so good!

I will keep looking for other websites for children to maximize leaning skills. When I find them I will be sure to share. I will also begin posting activities from the site that were successful.

If you have other websites that have been useful for your children, please share in the comment section.:)

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