Monday, January 20, 2014

Snacks, snacks, and more snacks!!! [Weekend Recap]

Weekend snacks are draining the life out of me. I know I'm being a bit extreme but how many snacks does a kid really need in a day? I mean seriously.

This is how the day seems to go:

Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Snack. Snack. Dinner.

Enough already, geez! Maybe I should push dinner up earlier and breakfast a little later. Or maybe I should just toughen up and set some strict rules about snacks! Like one a day!! Anywho...

The pressure has been on for me to wean the boys off of processed snacks and so far so good but the go to snack has been fruit. They love strawberries and blueberries. Orlando likes to eat both but of course Ty (my picky eater) doesn't like blueberries at all. I love the fact that they love fruit but buying it can get expensive, especially if you are buying organic. I don't buy all organic food but fruit is definitely something I try to buy organic 99.9 percent of the time (those pesticides are something serious). My search for healthy affordable snacks has kicked into high gear and I can't wait to share my new snack recipe finds with you guys.

Oh, how could I forget, the AFC Championship game was on yesterday. My child has been bugging me about this game all week. He was front and center cheering on the Denver Broncos with his Falcon helmet in tow, and of course a bowl of blueberries! Ty was somewhere with his UGA helmet on calling plays waiting for his beloved Seahawks to play for the NFC Championship. Gotta love these kids!!!

The boys also had a basketball game on Saturday and #4 was back in action. He did great on defense and I have no injuries to report. I think it was the new basketball shoes!:)

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